Test Borings. All determinations of the depth to seasonal high water table shall be based upon soil analyses considering soil morphology, mottling and gley and on a combination of actual test borings taken on the site. Although it is preferred that the soil borings be taken between February 1 and May 31 of the calendar year, borings may be taken at any time if sufficient mottling is present to determine the seasonal high water table. Soil borings shall be taken by a soils scientist or a licensed professional engineer who shall certify and seal the results thereof. The Township reserves the right to verify all test borings and soil tests, including requiring additional borings or the monitoring of existing borings with the Township or County Board of Health personnel present. The applicant shall be permitted to provide any additional information and/or data to verify the feasibility of any system to function without a deleterious effect upon or damage to water quality.
Surface Water Runoff. In addition to the requirements of
§ 509: Drainage, Floodwater Protection and Stormwater Management of this ordinance, surface water runoff is permitted on lands within the jurisdiction of the Pinelands Comprehensive Management Plan, provided that:
a. The total runoff generated from any net increase in impervious surfaces by a ten-year storm of a twenty-four-hour duration shall be retained and infiltrated on-site. Runoff volumes shall be calculated in accordance with the United States Soil Conservation Service Technical Release No. 55 or the S.C.S. National Engineering Handbook, § 4;
b. The rates of runoff generated from the parcel by a two-year, ten-year and one-hundred-year storm, each of a twenty-four-hour duration, shall not increase as a result of the proposed development. Runoff rates shall be calculated in accordance with the United States Soil Conservation Service Technical Release No. 55 or the S.C.S. National Engineering Handbook, § 4;
c. Surface water runoff shall not be directed in such a way as to increase the volume and rate of discharge into any surface water body from that which existed prior to development of the parcel;
d. Excessively and somewhat excessively drained soils, as defined by the Soil Conservation Service, should be avoided for recharge of runoff wherever practical;
e. A minimum separation of two feet between the elevation of the lowest point of the bottom of the infiltration or detention facility and the seasonal high water table is met, or a lesser separation when it is demonstrated that the separation, either due to soil conditions or when considered in combination with other stormwater management techniques, is adequate to protect ground water quality; and
f. A four year maintenance guarantee is provided for the entire stormwater management system by the applicant. In addition, the applicant shall fund or otherwise guarantee an inspection or maintenance program for a period of no less than 10 years. The program shall identify the entity charged with responsibility for annual inspections and the completion of any necessary maintenance, and the method to finance said program.
§ 509: Drainage, Floodwater Protection and Stormwater Management for more information on water quality.