MapLink™ Procedures | Submission of Final Major Subdivision Plats and Final Major Site Plans

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Submission of Final Major Subdivision Plats and Final Major Site Plans
A. Procedure for Submitting Final Major Subdivision Plats and Final Major Site Plans. The applicant shall submit to the Administrative Officer not later than the first Wednesday of the month preceding the month of the anticipated hearing date: nine copies of the final plat or plan if the application will be heard by the Planning Board or 17 copies of the final plat or plan if the application will be heard by the Zoning Board of Adjustment; four completed copies of the appropriate application(s), which includes the application(s) for any requested variance(s) and the checklist(s) pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-10.3 attached to this ordinance with the items of information required therein; and the fee in accordance with § 901: Fees of this ordinance, including a signed escrow agreement.

B. Details Required for Final Major Subdivision Plats and Final Major Site Plans. The following information shall be submitted:
1. All details stipulated in § DR-804B of this ordinance.
2. All additional details required at the time of preliminary approval shall be submitted.

3. A section or staging plan, if proposed, indicating the portion of the tract to be considered for final approval as part of the current application and the relationship of the portion of the tract to the remaining land area, including all applicable comparisons such as parking spaces, building coverage, lot coverage, open space areas and number of lots.

4. Detailed architectural and engineering data including:
a. An architect's design drawing of each building and sign or a typical building and sign showing front, side and rear elevations.

b. Cross sections, plans, profiles and established grades of all streets, aisles, lanes and driveways, including centerline geometry and horizontal alignments with bearings, radii and tangents.

c. Plans and profiles of all storm and sanitary sewers and water mains.

d. All dimensions of the exterior boundaries of any subdivision shall be balanced and closed to a precision of one to 5,000 and the dimensions of all lot lines to within one to 10,000. All dimensions, angles and bearings must be tied to at least two permanent monuments not less than 300 feet apart and all information shall be indicated on the plat. At least one corner of the subdivision shall be tied horizontally to the New Jersey State Grid Coordinate System and vertically to the U.S. Geodetic Survey System, with the data on the plat as to how the bearings were determined.

5. A copy of the signed preliminary plat or plan in conformance with the resolution of approval.
6. Notification of Pinelands Commission review of the preliminary plat.

7. Evidence that a duplicate copy(ies) of the application for development has been filed with any other agency (including but not limited to the Burlington County Board of Health and Burlington County Soil Conservation District) having jurisdiction over any aspect of the proposed development.

8. Proposals for soil erosion and sediment control as required by N.J.S.A. 4:24-39 et seq.

9. The final submission shall be accompanied by the following documents:
a. Certification from the Township Tax Collector that all taxes and assessments are paid to date;
b. A street numbering plan by the Administrative Officer.
c. The applicant shall certify in writing to the Board that he has:
(1) Installed all improvements in accordance with the requirements of this ordinance and preliminary plat approval with a maintenance guarantee accompanying the final plat; and/or,
(2) Posted a performance guarantee in accordance with § 902: Guarantees and Inspections of this ordinance; and
(3) Provided a construction schedule for all improvements yet to be installed which establishes the scheduling and timing of installation of all improvements covered by the performance guaranty. The approved schedule shall be required for the protection of the interests of the public and of the residents, occupants and owners of the proposed development in the total completion of the project. The schedule shall be included in the resolution granting final approval, and completion of the improvements in accordance with the schedule shall be a condition of approval.
d. A statement from the Township Engineer that all improvements installed prior to application have been inspected as provided in § 902: Guarantees and Inspections of this ordinance, and that such improvements installed prior to application for final approval that do not meet or exceed Township standards shall be factored into the required performance guarantee.

C. Action by the Township on Final Major Subdivision Plats and Final Major Site Plans. See § DR-805C for detailed information.

D. Effect of Final Approval of Major Subdivision Plats and Major Site Plans.
1. Final approval of a subdivision or site plan shall confer upon the applicant the following rights for a period of two years from the date on which the resolution of final approval is adopted:
a. The zoning requirements applicable to the preliminary approval first granted and all other rights conferred upon the developer, whether conditionally or otherwise, shall not be changed.
b. If the developer has followed the standards prescribed for final approval, the Board may extend the period of protection for extensions of one year each, not exceeding three and extensions.
2. In the case of a subdivision or site plan for a planned development or residential cluster of 50 acres or more, or in the case of a conventional subdivision or site plan of 150 acres or more, the Board may grant the rights referred to in § 805D.1 hereinabove for such period of time, longer than two years, as shall be determined by the Board to be reasonable taking into consideration:
a. The number of dwelling units and nonresidential floor area permissible under final approval;
b. Economic conditions; and
c. The comprehensiveness of the development.
The developer may apply for thereafter, and the Board may thereafter grant, an extension to final approval for such additional period of time as shall be determined by the Board to be reasonable taking into consideration:
a. The number of dwelling units and nonresidential floor area permissible under final approval;
b. The number of dwelling units and nonresidential floor area remaining to be developed;    
c. Economic conditions; and
d. The comprehensiveness of the development.

3. Whenever the Planning Board grants an extension of final approval pursuant to Subsection 805.D.1.b or 805.D.2 of this section and final approval has expired before the date on which the extension is granted, the extension shall begin on what would otherwise be the expiration date. The developer may apply for the extension either before or after what would otherwise be the expiration date.

4. The Planning Board shall grant an extension of final approval for a period determined by the Board but not exceeding one year from what would otherwise be the expiration date, if the developer proves to the reasonable satisfaction of the Board that the developer was barred or prevented, directly or indirectly, from proceeding with the development because of delays in obtaining legally required approvals from other governmental entities and that the developer applied promptly for and diligently pursued the approvals. A developer shall apply for this extension before: (1) what would otherwise be the expiration date; or (2) the 91st day after the date on which the developer receives the last of the legally required approval from the other governmental entities, whichever occurs later. An extension granted pursuant to this Subsection shall not preclude the Planning Board from granting an extension pursuant to Subsection 805.D.1.b or 805.D.2 hereinabove.

5. Notwithstanding the foregoing, all final major subdivision and final major site plan approvals shall expire two years from the date on which the resolution of approval is adopted, plus any extensions. Failure of an applicant or developer to obtain building permits for final major site plans or to file the final major subdivision plat for which such final approval was granted within two years of the date on which the resolution of final approval was adopted, plus any extensions granted beyond that initial period, shall result in the expiration and invalidation of the final approval. If the rights referred to in Subsection 805.D.1 are granted for a period of time longer than two years pursuant to Subsection 805.D.2, such approval shall expire as set forth in the resolution of approval unless extensions are granted beyond that initial period.

The applicant may apply for and the Board may grant extension on such final approval for additional periods of at least one year, but not to exceed a total extension of three years, as set forth in N.J.S.A. 40:55D-52 provided that if the design standards have been revised by ordinance, such revised standards may govern.